Complex needs day services

Find support for people who live with dementia or have complex needs.

Care Delivery Service

Who we help

We support people who have:

  • a diagnosis of dementia
  • physical needs which include support with personal care
  • a carer who needs a break

What we do

Our offer a safe space designed to be friendly and flexible.centres

Support we offer includes:

  • transport with assistance
  • supported group activities within and outside the centre
  • opportunities to access a range of community resources
  • one-to-one support where needed, including with personal care

We work with carers, family, and friends by offering shared support, respite, information and advice.

We also work to tackle stigma and stereotypes and to break down barriers faced by people living with dementia.

Early Support scheme

Our Early Support scheme offers:

  • a free 8-week scheme which allows the opportunity to try the service, with no obligation to continue if it’s not for you
  • immediate access to the centres while waiting for a social worker assessment
  • How to get support

    You will need a social worker to make a direct referral to us. Or you can
    for a conversation about your needs by phone or us

    Contact us

    Our centres:


    Church Lane, Horsforth, LS18 5LA

    Phone: 0113 378 3337

    Laurel Bank

    100 Middleton Park Avenue, LS10 4HY

    Phone: 0113 535 1605


    Wykebeck Valley Road, LS9 6NR

    Phone: 0113 378 9991

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