Domestic violence and abuse

Get help if you or someone you know is being abused by a partner or a family member

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Leeds Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy 2023 to 2028

Welcome to the Leeds Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy. Domestic violence and abuse is a serious and prevalent issue, both nationally and here in Leeds. It has a drastic, negative, and long-lasting impact upon the safety, health and wider life chances of individuals, children, and families, and creates wider crises such as homelessness and financial exclusion.

One minute guide: Joint Targeted Area Inspection - Domestic Abuse

In January 2016, the government introduced a new
inspection framework, for Joint Targeted Area Inspections (JTAIs)external link. The JTAI programme runs alongside other Ofsted programmes, for example full Children's Services inspections and inspections of services and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).