Relief from business rates

Find out about the available relief from business rates and how to apply.

  • Small business rate relief
  • Charities
  • Community amateur sports clubs
  • Relief for not for profit organisations
  • Retail, hospitality and leisure relief 2022 to 2023
  • Discretionary relief from business rates

Small business rate relief

To qualify for the relief you must meet the following criteria:

  • your business only uses one property with a rateable value of less than £15,000

You can still get small business rate relief on your main property if:

  • each of your other properties have a rateable value of more than £2,899
  • the total rateable value of all your properties is less than £20,000

If you are unsure if you meet the eligibility criteria, please to discuss before you us

Apply online

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can submit an online request for relief. More information is provided on page 1 of the form.

(opens in a new window) Apply for small business rate relief

Small business rates relief before April 2017

Properties with a rateable value of less than £6,000 receive relief of 100% off their rates from 1 October 2010. For properties with rateable values between £6,000 and £12,000 relief of between 99% and 1% is awarded, reducing by 1% for every £60 of rateable value above £6,000.


Registered charities which use premises for charitable purposes are generally entitled to 80% relief. This includes shops, as long as they sell goods that are mostly donated.

Where a property is owned or let to a charity and currently empty, zero rates apply as long as the next intended use is for the purposes of the charity.

for more information on how to apply. Contact us

Community amateur sports clubs

Sport clubs which are registered as community amateur sports clubs (CASC) with HMRC qualify for 80% relief. 

for more information on how to apply.Contact us

Relief for not for profit organisations

Discretionary relief may be awarded to certain other non profit making bodies, for example sports clubs, social enterprises and community associations.

for more information on how to apply.Contact us

Retail, hospitality and leisure relief (2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024)

You may get 50% for 2022/23 and 75% for 2023/24 business rates relief, up to £110,000 per business, for occupied retail, hospitality and leisure properties.

to apply for relief and tell us:Contact us

  • your non-domestic reference number
  • the property which you are claiming for
  • that receiving the relief, your business will not exceed the cap of £110,000

Discretionary relief from business rates

Apply for discretionary relief from business rates to get 50% off your business rates bill, up to £15,000 per annum, per business.

To apply, your business must pay rates to Leeds City Council and be one of the following:

  • any business focused on delivering social or civic value
  • a social enterprise
  • a young business of up to 3 years
  • a day nursery

Examples of social or civic value include:

  • inspiring the next generation by working with schools or colleges
  • taking on apprentices
  • offering training to low paid staff to help them progress
  • offering work opportunities to local people with disabilities or health issues and/or those furthest away from the labour market
  • paying your staff the living wage
  • helping our local area to reduce its impact on the environment

Priority will be given to businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 to £51,000 which can demonstrate the need for financial aid and/or to businesses that agree to deliver a social value pledge within 12 months of receiving rates relief.

Who cannot apply

You cannot apply if your business is a multi-national company or if you have had other discounts on your 2020/23 business rates bill. This includes:

  • small business rate relief
  • rural rate relief
  • charitable rate relief
  • enterprise zone relief
  • hardship relief
  • retail discount
  • local newspaper relief
  • exempted buildings and empty buildings relief
  • transitional relief if your rates change by more than a certain amount at re-evaluation

How to apply

You can apply online for discretionary relief from business rates and will need:

  • proof of identity
  • a bank statement
  • your financial documents
(opens in a new window) Apply for discretionary relief from business rates

Contact us



0113 376 0359(Monday to Friday, 9am and 1pm)