When you leave our care

Find out about what support there is once you leave care.

When you turn 18 you will no longer be 'looked after' and will now be a care leaver.

This reflects you becoming a young adult and means a change in the services and support we can offer. This new support can be ongoing until you turn 25.

Find out if you are a care leaver

You are a care leaver if you are under 25 years old and have spent time in care as a child or young person.

The amount of support you can get will depend on your age and circumstances. To get our support, you must have been in care for 13 weeks between the ages of 14 to 16.

If you're not sure what support you can get contact us.

Prepare to leave care

To help you prepare to leave care, your social worker will introduce you to a personal advisor. Your personal advisor will:

  • continue some of the role of a social worker
  • help you become more independent and plan for the future

How your personal advisor can help

Keep in regular contact

Your personal advisor will meet you at least every 8 weeks. This can be more frequently if you want them to. You will work out between you what is the best way to keep in touch and how often that should be.                          

Offer advice

They can offer advice about the best routes to achieve your goals and will be a reliable adult for you to get support from.                               

Check your progress using your pathway plan

This is a regularly updated plan which helps you and your personal advisor figure out what you want to achieve and, the type of support that you most need and measures your progress.                               

If you have lost touch with your personal advisor, or are not sure if you have one, please contact us.

How to access your case files

As a care leaver, you have the right to access the files we have kept about you when you were in our care.

Viewing files can often help a person to make sense of and piece together their past. For many care leavers, accessing the records from their time in care can be a very positive experience. But sometimes the information can be stressful or upsetting.

Talk to your personal advisor before making a decision to see your files. If you don't have a personal advisor, contact us on 0113 378 1149 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

Contact us


0113 378 9988(Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)


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