Images and video

We use images and video where it helps people understand information.

They should not be used to make a web page look interesting or to break up large amounts of text. Research shows that people find the overuse of images distracting.


A picture of a computer keyboard when talking about booking a computer wouldn't add to a person's understanding of the page, but the picture of an entrance to a building they need to go to might help them find it more easily.

We do not use images that contain text, unless it is a logo.

Size and format

Images need to be good quality, landscape, and 800 x 450 pixels. We need images to be in a .jpg format.

Image alternative text

Alternative text (alt text) is used as an alternative to an image for people who use screen readers.

Alt text helps users understand the visual content of an image. We don’t always make the alt text a literal description of the image, sometimes it’s better to think about what point the image is making.


We apply caution when using images to ensure we do not breach copyright laws.

Images are used only when either the council owns the copyright or:

Using photographs

If someone in the photograph can be identified then the photograph is considered to be personal data. You must ensure you have written consent to use images that contain people, and note how long the consent is for.

There are some exemptions for photographs including people at public events, please seek advice from your information governance officer.


Videos must:

  • be hosted on the council's YouTube channel
  • have a transcript
  • contain captions and an audio description of what is visually occurring on the video
  • not contain flickering or flashing content
  • meet WCAG AAA accessible colour contrast if text is included
  • ensure that any text is read at the same time as being displayed
  • be in MP4 or .mov or .wmv format

To get help and support with videos, email