Code of Conduct

Find out how about the Code of Conduct and how to make a complaint regarding councillors and voting co-opted members.

The Code of Conduct applies to all councillors and voting co-opted members of the council when they are acting in their official capacity. It does not apply to them in their private and personal lives.

Councillor Code of Conduct

The council has adopted a Code of Conduct which all councillors must abide by.

Declaration and registration of interests

The Code of Conduct also sets out our requirements in relation to Members declaring their disclosable pecuniary and other significant interests.

These are recorded in a register which is available for public inspection on our website. 


The Monitoring Officer and the Standards and Conduct Committee are responsible for overseeing the operation of the Code of Conduct. If you believe that a member has broken the code, you can make a complaint. Before you submit your complaint you should read our procedures for dealing with complaints on opens as PDF. This explains how your complaint will be dealt with and what sorts of complaints we will consider.

If your complaint relates to the rules about declaring and registering disclosable pecuniary interests, you should make your complaint to the West Yorkshire Police.

You can complain about councillors and co-opted members of the council, or any of the Parish and Town Councils in the Leeds area by firstly sending an email to:

To see a copy of the Code of Conduct adopted by a particular
Parish or Town Council you should contact the clerk.​​​​​​