Report problems

Report noise nuisance, fly tipping and other types of antisocial behaviour

Services List

Pest control

We offer a pest control service to residents and businesses in Leeds. Find out how to identify your pest, book a treatment and how much this will cost.

Report a repair

Find out which repairs are your responsibility to fix, how to request a repair and how to give someone else permission to request repairs on your behalf.

Communal area problems

Communal areas are parts of a house, block of flats, street or estate which tenants have a right to use in common with other tenants. The council is responsible for the maintenance of these areas.

Asbestos in council properties

Asbestos was a popular building material between the 1950s and 1990s. Its use has since been banned in the UK, as if the material is disturbed and fibres are released, it can cause serious health issues.