Housing strategy

See our plans to meet housing needs, working with the Leeds Strategic Housing Partnership to achieve this

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Leeds Housing Strategy

Our housing strategy sets out how we can support those in greatest housing need over the next five years.

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023 to 2028

Local Housing Authorities must create and publish a strategy at least every five years that outlines how homelessness and rough sleeping will be prevented and relieved. This strategy has been developed in collaboration with the Leeds Homelessness Prevention Forum, our valued partners, and people with lived experience. This strategy replaces our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019-2022. It is designed to be a working document for the Council, the City, and our committed stakeholders, to reduce homelessness and rough sleeping and achieve our vision statement:

Leeds Affordable Housing Growth Partnership Action Plan 2022 to 2025

Having a safe, warm, and affordable home is crucial for everyone if they are to have positive life outcomes, in terms of health, education, employment and wellbeing. Delivery of new affordable homes plays a vital role in meeting the City Ambition of tackling poverty and inequality and improving the quality of life for everyone who calls Leeds home. Increasing the supply of sustainable, affordable housing supports health and well-being outcomes for residents and communities, addresses the increasingly important issue of household energy costs and supports the city’s journey towards zero carbon. This action plan and the outcomes it seeks will play a key role in delivering the City Ambition for Leeds.

Tenancy strategy

The Localism Act 2011 requires local housing authorities in England to prepare and publish a Tenancy Strategy setting out the matters to which Registered Providers in its district (including the council and housing associations) must have regard to in formulating their tenancy policies.