Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)

Information about the BIDs that offer a range of services to help businesses and local areas thrive.

BIDs are business led partnerships which are created through a ballot process for an initial period of 5 years to deliver additional services to local businesses.

After the initial term, BIDs must be renewed by a further ballot every five years. They allow the business community and local authorities to work together to improve the local trading environment and involve local businesses directly in local activities.

A levy is charged on all business rate payers within a BID in addition to the business rates bill to develop projects within the BID area.

Leeds BID

The Leeds BID first ballot was held on 26 February 2015 and was renewed on 7 November 2019.

Otley BID

The Otley BID's first ballot was held on 11 November 2013, it was renewed on 9 November 2018 and 10 November 2023.

The result of the Otley BID renewal ballot was in favour of the Otley BID being renewed. The full Declaration of Result can be found on the
Otley BID website.