West Street car park

Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4PD


Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4PD

View on Google maps

Opening hours

Open 24 hours, seven days a week



Blue badge parking spaces are available

Payment methods

Pay and display – cash only

PayByPhone is available at this location.
Download the PayByPhone app external link or call 0330 400 7275

PayByPhone Site ID: 808269


Monday to Saturday (including bank holidays):

8am to 10pm:

Up to 30 minutes: £1.40

Up to 1 hour: £2

Up to 90 minutes: £3

Up to 2 hours: £3.90

Up to 5 hours: £5.40

Up to 8 hours: £8.20

Over 8 hours: £8.70

6pm to 10pm: £3.60


Up to 4 hours: £2

Over 4 hours: £5

6pm to 10pm: £3.60

Height restriction

2.2 metres