North and West Yorkshire Business Rates Pool

Find out about the region's business rates pool, its members and benefits to local communities.

About the pool

The North and West Yorkshire Pool is a group of local authorities working to increase economic development across the region through the Business Rates Retention scheme. The scheme allows local authorities to keep a proportion of any growth in business rates income so it can be used locally, instead of being paid over to the government.

The North and West Yorkshire Pool is piloting 75% Business Rates retention until 2021. It was established on 1 April 2019 and replaces the
Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool.

Local authority members

The pool is made up of 14 local authorities and is administered by Leeds City Council. It is led by a Joint Committee made up of leaders from nine of the member authorities. The committee is responsible for all funding decisions.

  • City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Joint Committee member)
  • The Metropolitan Borough Council of Calderdale (Joint Committee member)
  • Craven District Council
  • Hambleton District Council
  • Harrogate Borough Council (Joint Committee member)
  • Kirklees Council (Joint Committee member)
  • Leeds City Council (Joint Committee member)
  • North Yorkshire County Council (Joint Committee member)
  • Richmondshire District Council
  • Ryedale District Council
  • Scarborough Borough Council (Joint Committee member)
  • Selby District Council
  • The Council of the City of Wakefield (Joint Committee member)
  • City of York Council (Joint Committee member)

The agenda and minutes of previous meetings are available to
view online.

Benefits to the local community

The pool works to benefit each of the member authorities and to support the aims of the North and West Yorkshire region as a whole.

The pool aims to:

  • support the financial sustainability of the member authorities, both at an individual and a regional level
  • encourage regional economic growth through supporting social inclusivity, housing, trade and investment
  • support culture, sport and major events within the region
  • work with regional partners to reduce carbon footprints and digital isolation