Planning obligations (Section 106 agreements)

Find out about planning obligations and Section 106 agreements.

Planning obligations or
Section 106 agreement (Town and Country Planning Act 1990) are sometimes attached to a planning permission to make the development acceptable in planning terms or restricts what can be done with land following planning permission being granted.

Examples of obligations include:

  • traffic calming measures or road improvements
  • green space provision
  • providing educational facilities
  • public transport contributions
  • affordable housing
  • local employment initiatives

Legal fees

The applicant will be required to sign an undertaking to cover our legal fees in drafting and entering into the legal agreement before we can start any work on the legal agreement.

Monitoring fee

The monitoring fee per obligation for green space and affordable housing commuted sums is £1,200, all other obligations (with the exception of Travel Plans) will attract a monitoring fee of £900.

Applicants will be invoiced for the monitoring fee upon commencement of the development. The monitoring fees cover the costs incurred or to be incurred by us in monitoring, reporting, maintaining data and systems and related staffing costs.