Leeds Youth Justice Service privacy notice

Leeds Youth Justice Service takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation very seriously. The main laws are the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The information the Council collect about you will be subject to rigorous measures and procedures to make sure that it cannot be seen, accessed or disclosed to anyone who should not see it.

Leeds Youth Justice Service takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation very seriously. The main laws are the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The information the Council collect about you will be subject to rigorous measures and procedures to make sure that it cannot be seen, accessed or disclosed to anyone who should not see it.

The Youth Justice Service also needs to use sensitive personal data relating to you (also called special category data), and criminal offences data which requires more protection by us to keep it safe. Leeds City Council is the owner (data controller) of this information and therefore obliged to fully comply with the relevant Data Protection laws and regulations.

All information collected will be used, shared, and held by Leeds Youth Justice Service to provide assessments, comply with court orders, to manage risk and to assist us to support you and your family. The information we collect from you is required to enable us to manage children and young people subject to involvement with the Youth Justice Service who undertake interventions as part of either a voluntary arrangement or statutory order. Your information is collected and used by the council to enable us to exercise a public task in our official authority or to comply with a legal obligation.

Where appropriate and in order to provide services to you, the Council will need to share some of your information with other services in the Council and also with relevant organisation’s such as the Police, Health, Courts, other Youth Justice Teams, Probation, and the Secure Estate. We will also provide information about you to relevant government departments, such as the Youth Justice Board, the Ministry of Justice and the Department for Education, for reporting purposes and in order to make the services of Leeds Youth Justice Service better.

We are required by law to keep your information for varying lengths of time, which depends on the nature of our involvement and any offence committed. This information is set out in our retention schedule. More information can be given to you on request or can be found on our website.

You have rights in respect of the information we hold about you, including the right to ask for access to your information or to withdraw from this process.
Further information in respect of your rights is available on our Your privacy rights page. To exercise any of your rights, please contact your direct worker in the first instance, or contact
dpfoi@leeds.gov.uk, any One Stop Centre, or send to Information Management & Governance, PO Box 837, LS1 9PZ, and we will advise you of the procedure.

Further information in respect of your privacy and your information is available in our
Privacy and data section. This includes contact information for the council’s Data Protection Officer. A paper copy of this information is available on request.

Privacy information