School admissions privacy notice

Leeds City Council takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation very seriously. The Admissions team collect information from you to assess your child’s eligibility for a school place. We collect your personal information in respect of admissions and appeals which is considered against the Council’s and school’s policies for admissions. Our service also needs to use sensitive personal data relating to you (also called “special category data”) such as religion and ethnic origin information in order to provide equality of opportunity or treatment.

Leeds City Council takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation very seriously. The Admissions team collect information from you to assess your child’s eligibility for a school place. We collect your personal information in respect of admissions and appeals which is considered against the Council’s and school’s policies for admissions. Our service also needs to use sensitive personal data relating to you (also called “special category data”) such as religion and ethnic origin information in order to provide equality of opportunity or treatment.

Leeds City Council is the Data Controller for your information and our legal basis for processing the data is under a legal obligation where it is personal data (such as the School Admissions Regulations 2012 and the School Admissions Code 2021), and where we are processing special category information, under our obligations of substantial public interest. The data collected is required to ensure all children have a school place suitable to their age, ability and needs. Leeds City Council work to ensure that places are allocated and offered in a fair, transparent and open way.

In processing your application we will share information with services within the Council and also with other relevant organisations such as schools, NHS and the Police etc. We will also give some information about you to relevant government departments, such as the Department for Education etc, for statutory reporting purposes and in order to make the services of Leeds better. There may be circumstances where we need to use and share your information without your agreement, however this will only occur where we are legally required to do so.

Your personal data will be retained up to your child’s 25th birthday after which it will be confidentially destroyed. Any school admission appeal papers held by the Council in respect of schools who conduct their own appeals will be held by the Council for 2 years and will be destroyed after this period. You have rights in respect of the information we hold about you, including the right to ask for access to your information or to withdraw from this process. Objecting to Leeds City Council using your information in this way, would restrict the Council’s assessment in giving proper consideration to your application and can result in the inability of schools offering a place or withdrawal of a place. 

Further information is available on our your rights page. To exercise any of your rights, please contact: or send to Information Management & Governance, PO Box 837, LS1 9PZ, and we will advise you of the procedure.

Further information about how we process your information can be found on the council’s privacy notice including contact information for the council’s Data Protection Officer. A paper copy of this information is available on request.