Coronavirus (COVID-19) privacy notices

How the council and its partners are using your data during the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency.

Services List

Self-isolation support privacy notice

On 28 September 2020, a legal duty to self-isolate came into force for people who have tested positive for Covid-19 or who have been told to self-isolate by NHS test and trace.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) community volunteer privacy notice

This privacy notice is to make it easier to understand and provide you with more information about how Leeds City Council in partnership with Voluntary Action Leeds (Doing Good Leeds) may seek to collect and hold information about you in relation to the unprecedented challenges we are all facing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Public Health (Health Protection Team – COVID-19 data) privacy notice

The Health Protection team, Leeds City Council, receive anonymised data on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases from a variety of sources including schools, care homes, workplaces, and the Government (see below for full details). The purpose of receiving and using this data is for surveillance, monitoring and reporting of COVID-19 and infectious diseases, to support with proactive outbreak management and the notifying local health protection system. Whilst the Council will always attempt to ensure that personal data received is anonymized, however, in some cases this will not be possible (for example, due to the size of a business being sufficiently small to enable individuals identified).

Privacy and data

General privacy information and our responsibilities when using your personal data