Health and social care privacy notices

Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

Services List

Active Travel Social Prescribing pilot scheme privacy notice

Leeds City Council (“the council”) has received £1.3m funding from the Department of Transport (DfT), to support the research, delivery and evaluation of an Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilot (ATSP). ATSP is a pilot scheme that will operate from October 2022 to October 2025 in the Burmantofts, Richmond Hill and Harehills Primary Care Network.

Adults and health privacy notice

You have the right to opt out of Leeds City Council Public Health receiving or holding some of your personal identifiable information. 

Adult social care privacy notice

Leeds City Council takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation very seriously. When you receive Adult Social Care Services, we collect your personal information in order for us to help and support you, facilitate your care and where needed, protect you from harm. As an example, the use of your NHS number allows Health and Social Care staff to identify you correctly, helping to ensure you receive safe and efficient care. The information you provide will be subject to rigorous measures and procedures to make sure that it cannot be seen, accessed or disclosed to anyone who should not see it.

Direct payments privacy notice

Leeds City Council takes its obligations under the Data Protection legislation very seriously. When you apply for or receive a direct payment, we need to collect your personal information in order to set up, manage, review and monitor your direct payment towards the outcomes specified in your support plan. Your information is also used to ensure that the direct payment is being spent appropriately.

Helm privacy notice

Leeds City Council is the data controller for the data provided by Helm users to the Helm development project. It is run in partnership with health and social care organisations and led by Leeds City Council.

Adult Social Care and MiiCare remote monitoring privacy notice

Adult Social Care are working with MiiCare to investigate how remote monitoring technology in the homes of people living alone can support them to live independently for longer, whilst ensuring that care packages are delivering the appropriate level of care for the individual.