Bins, waste and recycling

Find your collection dates for individual waste and recycling bins

Services List

Order a new bin

If your bin is damaged, has gone missing or you need more bin space, you can request a new bin online.

Get rid of unwanted items

The quickest and most environmentally friendly way to get rid of your unwanted items is to donate to charity or use an organisation that will take the items.

High street recycling

You can recycle coffee cups, plastic bottles and drink cans in our recycle on-the-go bins across Leeds. 


Find out how to reduce your kitchen and garden waste by composting it. 

Plastic recycling

We recycle several types of plastic. Find out what you can recycle and where.

Waste strategy

The aim of the waste strategy for Leeds is to reduce the amount of waste we produce as a city and also, to support the ambition for Leeds to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Selective licensing

If you rent out a property in certain parts of Beeston or Harehills, you’ll need to apply for a selective licence.