Moor Allerton Hall Primary School

​Proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years. If approved the change in age range would take effect from January 2025.

What our plans involve

Leeds City Council is consulting on a proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and close the local authority maintained nursery provision. The nursery will temporarily close from September 2024 and if approved would permanently close from January 2025.

Why we are proposing this

Moor Allerton Hall Primary School currently has a nursery catering for 3 and 4-year-olds, with a sessional offer for parents during core school hours, term-time only.

There has been a decline in families taking up places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School’s nursery. The staffing costs, alongside lower numbers in nursery are negatively impacting on the school’s budget.

The school has considered changing their nursery offer, however, cannot provide the flexible wrap-around care and all year-round nursery provision which some families are seeking.

There is a broad range of childcare available across the area that offer Funded Early Education (FEE) places, including school and private nurseries and childminders. We are confident that there will be sufficient childcare places for families in the area should the proposal to permanently close the school's nursery go ahead.

The before and after school clubs will continue to run for children on roll at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from Reception to Year 6.

Moor Allerton Hall Primary School are exploring options for an outside provider to run flexible, all year round care from age 2. The timescales for this are not yet known.

The consultation has now closed and the consultation responses are being considered. A further update will be provided soon.


Date Stage
Monday 13 May 2024 Consultation opens
Tuesday 28 May 2024 Consultation closes
Wednesday 24 July 2024 Earliest date a report on the consultation could go to our Executive Board

If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact us.

Contact us



PO Box 837, Sufficiency and Participation Team, Leeds City Council, Leeds, LS1 9PZ