Dementia resources

For some of the people you look after a degree of confusion, caused by anxiety and agitation, can impact on their day to day life.



resources for staff

Dementia Resources
External link

A range of short resources that can be used for staff training or to support supervision and appraisal or as resources for providers developing their own training.

*Please note that advertisements played on YouTube links provided in this resource library are in no way endorsed or selected by Leeds City Council and do not reflect the views of the organisation.



resources for carers in the community 

The Alzheimer’s Society provides guidance for individuals providing care
External link
   to people with dementia including the impact of delirium
External link
   on people with dementia.

Skills for Care have published a guide giving best practice case studies from domiciliary care employers developing their workforces to support people with dementia.
Better domiciliary care for people with dementia
External link

The University of East Anglia have also produced a
guide book
External link
  which is free to download and is created for carers who assist a person with a dementia with their personal care. This booklet was developed as part of the Alzheimer’s Society funded Pro-CARE study, which was undertaken at the University of East Anglia.

The booklet is available on the link below, please do share with any family carers, care-home staff or dementia support organisations you feel may benefit from the resource.

There are also a range of resources around developing dementia friendly environments.

In the case of someone’s own home the following are useful for individual and families as well as home care providers to give advice.

For dementia in care homes

The Open University – design for dementia care videos

The Open University have produced 7 videos in their design for dementia that covers a wide variety of areas                         

  1. Design for dementia care: Public
    External link
  2. Design for dementia care: Private
    External link
  3. Design for dementia care: The Market
    External link
  4. Design for dementia care: Garden
    External link
  5. Design for dementia care: Evaluating the success of the
    External link
  6. Design for dementia care: Refurbishing an existing care
    External link
  7. Design for dementia care: Looking back on the refurbishment
    External link
My Life TV - The dementia friendly channel

My Life TV – Stimulating activities, joyful entertainment and calming content for people living with dementia and their carers.                                                                 

Created by award winning dementia charity My Life Films,
My Life TV has programmes and content curated for the cognitive needs of people living with the condition – accessed on tv, tablet, phone or laptop.                                                                 

It’s a fantastic tool for activity providers and care givers;                                                                 

  • Keeping residents engaged and occupied with meaningful activities.
  • Enhancing therapeutic provision, supporting exercise and enabling social connection.
  • Providing opportunities for respite or delivery of care.
  • The content can help improve mood, quality of life and care, and help address agitation, anxiety and apathy.

My Life TV partner with many prestigious organisations including the Alzheimer’s Society, NAPA, British Film Institute, British Pathé and more. They also create bespoke quizzes, sing-alongs, chair yoga, music therapy & reminiscence sessions                                                                  

Arts4Dementia - Empowerment through artistic stimulation

Arts4Dementia is a charity organisation developing arts activities to inspire and re-energise people living with dementia and their carers in the community.                                       

External link

Activities - a guide for carers of people with dementia

Alzhiemers Scotland have produced a useful booklet
Activities - a guide for carers of people with dementia External link However, please note that some of the telephone numbers are for Scottish organisations and therefore are not relevant for those working outside of Scotland.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Caring for a resident

You should:                                                                                                                                                                            

  • stay with the resident or check on them regularly
  • reassure them
  • approach them gently
  • provide an explanation to the resident and carers of any activity or procedure you are carrying out using short, simple sentences
  • come down to their level
  • never stand over people
  • use a calm voice
  • never shout at the resident
  • always treat them with
Be aware of the surrounding environment

You should consider:                                                                                                                                                                            

  • a consistent calm daily routine
  • using regular and repeated verbal clues as to the time of day. This could include using coloured table cloths to distinguish between breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • eliminating, if possible, unexpected and irritating noise such as alarms
  • maintaining good lighting levels in all rooms appropriate to the time of day and check that TV's are visible and not reflecting bright sunlight
  • providing settings and objects that may be familiar