Care Quality Team

The latest national guidance as well as ICB and council updates and upcoming events

Services List

Visiting residents in a care home or supported living

To support the change in visiting in Care homes hospices and hospitals the UK Health Security Agency published, on the 15th of April, guidance to inform risk assessment when Supporting safer visiting in care homes during infectious illness outbreaks.

Providing care

Information and resources for people working in Leeds who provide direct care, for example care assistants working in care homes, including information for use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Managing medication

Care Homes have an overriding duty of care to the people they look after which includes ensuring they always have enough of the right medication at the right time to meet all of their resident’s needs.

Infection control

It is important for everyone working in care to understand the principles of infection prevention and control. Good infection prevention and control will minimise the risk of healthcare associated infections and will help protect both the people you care for and yourself.

Dementia resources

For some of the people you look after a degree of confusion, caused by anxiety and agitation, can impact on their day to day life.

Training and development

You can find links to organisations that provide training and development information and advice to health and care professionals working in Leeds.

Providing activities

You can find links to organisations that provide a range of information and resources for activities.

Advanced care planning and end of life care guidance and support

This page provides information guidance and sources of support to those in health care who provide or manage palliative care. It is set out to provide information advice and guidance to facilitate consistent care to an individual their family and those providing care before during and after death.

NHS support to providers

Find information on NHS clinical and digital initiatives/support and programmes for registered care services