Club Premises Certificate

Find out about club premises certificates and how to apply or make changes to existing certificates.

You need a club premises certificate to supply alcohol, provide regulated entertainment and provide late night refreshment (between 11pm and 5am) in member’s clubs such as working men’s clubs, miner's welfare clubs and sports clubs.

Regulated entertainment includes:

  • a performance of a play
  • an exhibition of a film
  • an indoor sporting event
  • boxing or wrestling entertainment
  • a performance of live music
  • any playing of recorded music
  • a performance of dance

The licensable activities may only be provided for members, associates members and guests in accordance with the club constitution.

You can read the legislation on these sorts of venues in the
Licensing Act 2003 external link.

(opens in a new window) Pay your annual fee online

Apply for a new certificate

When you make an application for a club premises certificate you must show how your proposed activities will not have an adverse effect on the licensing objectives. You can suggest measures you will take to promote the licensing objectives in the operating schedule part of the form.

If the responsible authorities, individuals or businesses wish to object to your application, they can only do so on the grounds of one or more the 4 licensing objectives.

To apply for a club premises certificate, you will need to:

  1. Complete club premises certificate application form (online through
  2. Complete club premises certificate declaration form.
  3. Find or get plans drawn up.
  4. Enclose the club rules.
  5. Pay the fee.
  6. Advertise in a newspaper.
  7. Advertise by way of a site notice.
  8. Send copies of the application to all 8 of the responsible authorities (if you apply online this will be done on your behalf).
  1. Apply

    Apply online

    Apply for a new club premises certificate on GOV.UK External link
    If you apply online, we will notify the responsible authorities on your behalf. 

    Apply by email or post

    To submit your application by post or email, request the club premises certificate application forms by emailing You can return this by email or by post at: 

    Entertainment Licensing Leeds City Council Civic Hall Leeds LS1 1UR

  2. Complete the declaration

    Apply online

    Complete the declaration on GOV.UK External link

    Guidance on completing the club declaration form

    The purpose of the declaration form is to make sure that your organisation is a qualifying club as defined by the Act. 

    The form is split into three parts. You will need to fill out just one part depending on what type of club/society you are. Each part asks you to confirm that you meet certain sections of the Act by ticking the relevant boxes and asking you to quote the relevant rules from your rule book. 

    In the following tables (numbered 1 to 3 to match parts of the form) you can find information on the sections of the Act referred to in the form together with what those sections mean. 

    Club declaration guidance
    1) A registered society within the meaning of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965; a registered society within the meaning of the Friendly Societies Act 1974; or a registered friendly society within the meaning of the Friendly Societies Act
    Condition 1 in section 62(2) Condition 1 is that under the rules of the club persons may not a) be admitted to membership, or b) be admitted, as candidates for membership, to any of the privileges of membership, without an interval of at least two days between their nomination or application for nomination and their admission.
    Condition 2 in section 62(3) Condition 2 is that under the rules of the club persons becoming members without prior nomination or application may not be admitted to the privileges of membership without an interval of at least two days between their becoming members and their admission.
    Condition 4 in section 62(5 Condition 4 is that the club has at least 25 members.
    2) An association organised for the social well-being and recreation of persons employed in or about coal mines
    Condition 1 in section 62(2) Under the rules of the club persons may a) not be admitted to membership, or b) be admitted, as candidates for membership, to any of the privileges of membership, without an interval of at least two days between their nomination or application for nomination and their admission
    Condition 2 in section 62(3) Condition 2 is that under the rules of the club persons becoming members without prior nomination or application may not be admitted to the privileges of membership without an interval of at least two days between their becoming members and their admission.
    First condition in section 66(4) (4) The first condition is that:

    • the institute is managed by a committee or board, and
    • at least two thirds of the committee or board consists:
      • partly of persons appointed or nominated, or appointed or elected from among persons nominated, by one or more licensed operators within the meaning of the Coal Industry Act 1994 (c.21), and
      • partly of persons appointed or nominated, or appointed or elected from among persons nominated, by one or more organisations representing persons employed in or about coal mines
    Second condition in section 66(5) (5) The second condition is that:

    • the institute is managed by a committee or board, but
    • the making of:
      • an appointment or nomination falling within subsection (4)(b)(i), or
      • an appointment or nomination falling within subsection (4)(b)(ii), is not practicable or would not be appropriate, and
    • at least two thirds of the committee or board consists:
      • partly of persons employed, or formerly employed, in or about coal mines, and
      • partly of persons appointed by the Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation or a body or person to which the functions of that Organisation have been transferred under section 12(3) of the Miners' Welfare Act 1952 (c.23)
    3) Where the club to which this application relates does not fall into the categories in 1 or 2 above, the club declares that the club satisfies
    Condition 1 in section 62(2) Condition 1 is that under the rules of the club persons may:

    • not be admitted to membership, or
    • be admitted, as candidates for membership, to any of the privileges of membership, without an interval of at least two days between their nomination or application for nomination and their admission
    Condition 2 in section 62(3) Condition 2 is that under the rules of the club persons becoming members without prior nomination or application may not be admitted to the privileges of membership without an interval of at least two days between their becoming members and their admission.
    Condition 3 in section 62(4) Condition 3 is that the club is established and conducted in good faith as a club (see section 63).
    Condition 4 in section 62(5) Condition 4 is that the club has at least 25 members.
    Condition 5 in section 62(6) Condition 5 is that alcohol is not supplied, or intended to be supplied, to members on the premises otherwise than by or on behalf of the club.
    additional condition 1 in section 64(2) (2) Additional condition 1 is that (so far as not managed by the club in general meeting or otherwise by the general body of members) the purchase of alcohol for the club, and the supply of alcohol by the club, are managed by a committee whose members-

    • are members of the club;
    • have attained the age of 18 years; and
    • are elected by the members of the club.

    This subsection is subject to section 65 (which makes special provision for industrial and provident societies, friendly societies etc.)

    additional condition 2 in section 64(3) Additional condition 2 is that no arrangements are, or are intended to be, made for any person to receive at the expense of the club any commission, percentage, or similar payment on, or with reference to, purchases of alcohol by the club.
    additional condition 3 in section 64(4) Additional condition 3 is that no arrangements are, or are intended to be, made for any person directly or indirectly to derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of alcohol by or on behalf of the club to members or guests, apart from:

    • any benefit accruing to the club as a whole, or
    • any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the club.


  3. Find or get plans drawn up

    When applying, you will need to include a copy of your club rules and a plan of your premises. 

    The plan of your premises should be to a standard scale and show: 

    • the boundary of the building with any external or internal walls
    • entrances and exits to the building
    • escape routes from the building
    • locations of different licensable activities in the building (if relevant)
    • where alcohol will be consumed in the premises
    • fixed or temporary structures which may block entrances or exits to the building
    • the location and height of any stages, steps, stairs, elevators, or lifts in the premises
    • the location of any public toilets in the building

    The plan should also show any fire safety equipment such as the: 

    • the location of fire alarm and type of sounder (for example siren or bell and heat or smoke detector)
    • the location of emergency lighting
    • the location of illuminated exit signs
    • the location of fire extinguishers and ID type
    • the position of any fire doors
    • the location of fire blanket
    • the location of a kitchen

    The information contained in the plan must be clear and legible. 


  4. Enclose the club rules

    There is no standard set of rules for a registered club and the form and content of rules will vary from club to club, with the existing qualification being that the rules for the constitution and operation of a registered club must comply with the requirements set out at section 41 of the Licensing Act 1964. 

    Those requirements in summary are: 

    • 2 days delay before membership
    • not less than 25 members
    • established and conducted in good faith as a club
    • alcohol not to be supplied otherwise than by or on behalf of the club with all proceeds and profit going to the club

    The above items are adopted and repeated at sections 61 to 64 of the Licensing Act 2003. 

    Under the Licensing Act 2003, as a member's club with a club premises certificate, you will be able to supply alcohol to members and guests and to associate members and the guests of associate members provided your rules permit. 


  5. Pay the fee

    We can take the payment for your
    over the phone on 0113 378 5029. club premises certificate fee

    Please have your club premises certificate number to hand when you call us.  

  6. Advertise your application

    When applying for a new club premises certificate, the Act requires you to advertise your application. The rules on advertising are strict and should be followed carefully. 

    Site notice

    You must display a notice about your application at or on your licensed premises. The notice must be displayed for 28 consecutive days. The 28 days start from the day after you completed your application. 

    The notice must be on pale blue A4 paper, although it can be larger, with black lettering. The lettering must be at least in 16 font. 

    Do not obscure the notice in any way or make it difficult to read. Others must be able to read the notice from outside your premises. 

    If your premises is more than 50 metres square you must place a notice, identical to the one described above, every 50 metres along the external perimeter of your premises where it touches the highway. 

    If your premises is within a complex or its own grounds and the public will be unable to view the notice or notices from the exterior of the site, then you should also display a notice at the nearest public thoroughfare (such as at the entrance to the complex/site) so the notice is easily read by the passing public. 

    When preparing your notices, please ensure they contain all the following information: 

    • your name or business name
    • the address of your premises
    • a description of the activities which will be taking place on your premises which need to be licensed
    • the council’s internet address
    • that written objections about your application can be sent to the council for a limited time
    • that making a false objection is a criminal offence

    Once you have sent us your application one of our enforcement officers will visit your site to inspect the notices. If it is found that the notices or their positioning does not meet the requirements of the Act, then we may ask you to redisplay the notices and we may reset your 28 day notice period. 

    You can
    before you submit your application to confirm the requirements to reduce the chances of this happening. contact us

    Newspaper advert

    You must also publish a notice about your club premises certificate application. 

    It must be placed in a local newspaper which circulates in the area where the premises is located. The notice should appear within 10 working days of your application being sent to the council. It must contain the same information as the notice placed on your premises but does not need to have the same lettering, dimensions, font size or colouring. 


  7. Send a copy of the application to responsible authorities
    If you complete your application online, we will notify the responsible authorities on your behalf.       

    If you apply by post, you must also send a copy of your application to all the following responsible authorities:      

    West Yorkshire Police

    Leeds District Licensing Department West Yorkshire Police
    Leeds District Headquarters
    Elland Road
    Leeds LS11 8BU
    Phone: 0113 385 9413

    West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

    Oakroyd Hall
    West Yorkshire
    BD11 2DY
    Phone: 01274 655 785

    Leeds City Council Environmental Health

    Seacroft Ring Road Depot
    Leeds City Council
    LS14 1NZ
    Phone: 0113 378

    Leeds Safeguarding Childrens Partnership

    Leeds City Council
    Merrion House
    Merrion Way
    LS2 8BB
    Phone: 0113 395

    Leeds City Council City Development

    Planning Compliance Service
    Merrion House
    Merrion Way
    LS2 8BB
    Phone: 0113 222

    West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service

    Licensing Team
    PO Box 5
    Nepshaw Lane South
    LS27 0QP
    Phone: 0113 253

    Leeds City Council Public Health

    Adults and Health Directorate
    Leeds City Council
    Merrion House 5th Floor West
    Merrion Way
    LS2 8BB
    Phone: 0113 378

    New applications also need to send a copy to the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement). 


    Home Office (Immigration Enforcement)

    Alcohol Licensing Team
    Lunar House
    40 Wellesley Road
    CR9 2BY

    Health and Safety

    If Leeds City Council’s Environmental Health Service is not the enforcing authority under the Health and Safety at Work Act, the HSE will need to be sent a copy of the application. Please contact the Health and Safety Team in Environmental Health Services for clarification by phone 0113 378 5959 or


    Health and Safety Executive
    The Lateral
    8 City Walk
    LS11 9AT

Apply for a variation to your certificate

If you would like to make a change to your club premises certificate, for example a change to the hours or conditions, you will need to complete an application form.

  1. Apply online

    Apply online

    Apply for variations to your certificate through GOV.UK External link

    When applying, you will need to include a copy of your existing club premises certificate and a plan of your premises. 


  2. Pay the fee

    If you apply by post, we can take the payment for a variation to your
    over the phone on 0113 378 5029, once we have received your application. club premises certificate fee

    Please have your club premises certificate number to hand when you call us.  

  3. Advertise your application

    When applying for a variation to a club premises certificate, the Act requires you to advertise your application. The rules on advertising are strict and should be followed carefully. 

    Site notice

    You must display a notice about your application at or on your licensed premises. The notice must be displayed for 28 consecutive days. The 28 days start from the day after you completed your application. 

    The notice must be on pale blue A4 paper, although it can be larger, with black lettering. The lettering must be at least in 16 font. 

    Do not obscure the notice in any way or make it difficult to read. Others must be able to read the notice from outside your premises. 

    If your premises is more than 50 metres square you must place a notice, identical to the one described above, every 50 metres along the external perimeter of your premises where it touches the highway. 

    If your premises is within a complex or its own grounds and the public will be unable to view the notice or notices from the exterior of the site, then you should also display a notice at the nearest public thoroughfare (such as at the entrance to the complex/site) so the notice is easily read by the passing public. 

    When preparing your notices, please ensure they contain all the following information: 

    • your name or business name
    • the address of your premises
    • a description of the activities which will be taking place on your premises which need to be licensed
    • the council’s internet address
    • that written objections about your application can be sent to the council for a limited time
    • that making a false objection is a criminal offence

    Once you have sent us your application one of our enforcement officers will visit your site to inspect the notices. If it is found that the notices or their positioning does not meet the requirements of the Act, then we may ask you to redisplay the notices and we may reset your 28 day notice period. 

    You can
    before you submit your application to confirm the requirements to reduce the chances of this happening. contact us

    Newspaper advert

    You must also publish a notice about your club premises certificate application. 

    It must be placed in a local newspaper which circulates in the area where the premises is located. The notice should appear within 10 working days of your application being sent to the council. It must contain the same information as the notice placed on your premises but does not need to have the same lettering, dimensions, font size or colouring. 


  4. Send a copy of the application to responsible authorities
    If you complete your application online, we will notify the responsible authorities on your behalf. 

    If you post us your application, you must also send a copy of your application to all of the following responsible authorities: 

    West Yorkshire Police

    Leeds District Licensing Department
    West Yorkshire Police
    Leeds District Headquarters
    Elland Road
    Leeds LS11 8BU
    Phone: 0113 385 9413

    West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

    Oakroyd Hall
    West Yorkshire
    BD11 2DY
    Phone: 01274 655 785

    Leeds City Council Environmental Health

    Seacroft Ring Road Depot
    Leeds City Council
    LS14 1NZ
    Phone: 0113 378

    Leeds Safeguarding Childrens Partnership

    Leeds City Council
    Merrion House
    Merrion Way
    LS2 8BB
    Phone: 0113 395

    Leeds City Council City Development

    Planning Compliance Service
    Merrion House
    Merrion Way
    LS2 8BB
    Phone: 0113 222

    West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service

    Licensing Team
    PO Box 5
    Nepshaw Lane South
    LS27 0QP
    Phone: 0113 253

    Leeds City Council Public Health

    Adults and Health Directorate
    Leeds City Council
    Merrion House 5th Floor West
    Merrion Way
    LS2 8BB
    Phone: 0113 378

    If Leeds City Council’s Environmental Health Service is not the enforcing authority under the Health and Safety at Work Act, the HSE will need to be sent a copy of the application. Please contact the Health and Safety Team in Environmental Health Services for clarification by phone 0113 378 5959 or      


    Health and Safety Executive
    The Lateral
    8 City Walk
    LS11 9AT

Change of details or club rules

If you would like to make a change to the details on your club premises certificate, for example if you get a new steward or change your club rules, you can advise us by email to

The fee for a change of details is £10.50.

Premises licence and club premises certificates fees
Premises Licence and Club Premises Certificates
Band Non-domestic rateable value of premises Application fee (new and variations) Annual charge
A None - £4,300 £100 £70
B £4,301 - £33,000 £190 £180
C £33,001 - £87,000 £315 £295
D £87,001 - £125,000 £450* £320*
E £125,001+ £635* £350*
Other fees
Other fees
Theft, loss etc. of certificate or summary £10.50
Notification of change of name or alteration of rules of club £10.50
Change of relevant registered address of club £10.50
Duty to notify change of name or address £10.50
Special occasions involving club members

There is no restriction on the number of occasions that your club premises can be used for a special occasion involving club members and the guests of members (and associate members and the guests of associate members) if you remain a club ‘in good faith’ such as supplying to members, associate members, and guests and not to the general public. 

If you wish to sell alcohol to non-guests or permit the public to use the facilities of the club then you will need to serve a temporary event notice, although certain restrictions will apply. 

If you wish to do this on more than 12 occasions, you will have to apply to the council for a premises licence. If you do this, you will need a personal licence holder and designated premises supervisor. Contact Entertainment Licensing for more information. 

Consumer protection

Should you have cause for complaint in relation to a temporary event notice, we would always recommend that you write to the business first. If that does not work, please contact us and providing it is a matter covered by the legislation, we can investigate the complaint for you.​ 

Privacy notice

The council and the West Yorkshire police are Joint Data Controllers of the information you provide. The council and the West Yorkshire Police have a statutory duty to process and maintain licences and permissions and conduct enforcement activities in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 as part of a legal obligation to meet the statutory requirements for the licensing of the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment, and late night refreshment. 

We may share the following information with the third parties listed below: details of the licensed premises, licence status, the names, addresses and company numbers of persons and companies named on a licence. This may be shared with services in the council, for example, City Development, Environmental Action Services and Community Safety. In addition we will share with external third party organisations including Government departments, Information Commissioners Office (for National Fraud Initiative), the Health and Safety Executive, West Yorkshire Joint Services, Businesses Against Crime in Leeds, Leeds BID and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to make further enquiries regarding your application under the Licensing Act 2003 or where required by law for the detection and prevention of crime. 

The personal information you provide as part of your application for a premises licence, club premises certificate or personal licence will be held for a period of 6 years following the termination of the licence/permit. The personal information held for Temporary Event Notices will be held for a period of 2 calendar years following the event. Details of all transactions are recorded permanently as an entry on the licensing register. 

The council’s corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your information rights is
available to read. 

Contact us



0113 378 5029


Entertainment Licensing
Leeds City Council
Civic Hall
Leeds, LS1 1UR