Public rights of way

Find out where the public rights of way are in Leeds, where access rights (right to roam) apply, and how we are improving the public rights of way network.

Services List

Definitive map and statement

​​The definitive map and statement is the legal record of public paths and provides conclusive evidence of their existence and status.

Open access

The Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 gave people new rights of access on foot to areas of open country and registered common land.

Great walks in Leeds

There are a number of fantastic rights of way in and around Leeds that you can use to explore the green spaces of the city.

The Leeds Country Way

The Leeds Country Way is a 62 mile-long footpath around Leeds that takes users through some of the beautiful and varied countryside surrounding the city. 

Trans Pennine Trail

The Trans Pennine Trail external link​ is a route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders linking from coast to coast between Southport and Hornsea.

Leeds Local Access Forum

The Leeds Local Access Forum (LLAF) was established in April 2004, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

Country Parks and Green Gateways

The country parks and green gateways initiative links up areas of countryside, parks and trails to form one big country park. There are currently two of these parks being developed in Leeds.