Report a problem with a public right of way

Report a problem with a public footpath, bridleway or byway.

  • Problems with a public right of way
  • Problems with paths and pavements
  • Problems with overgrown hedges and vegetation on a pavement or road

Find out if a route is a public right of way

Use our map to find out if the problem you need to report is on a public right of way. You will also find useful information including the status and identifying number of the route.

(opens in a new window) Public rights of way map (opens in a new window) External link

Problems with a public right of way

Use our online form to report problems with:

  • public footpaths (not roadside pavements) - for use by pedestrians
  • public bridleways - for use by people on foot, horseback or bicycle
  • byways open to all traffic - these have full vehicular rights, but are mainly used as bridleways
  • restricted byways - these have rights on foot, horseback, bicycle and non-mechanical vehicles such as horse and cart

example of a public right of way showing a small soil path with green public footpath signage

Example of a public right of way.

(opens in a new window) Report a problem with a public right of way online

Problems with paths and pavements

Use our online form to report problems with:

  • paths or pavements (roadside pavements)
  • tarmac or general surface problems
  • missing or damaged paving flags
  • issues with roadside kerbs
  • missing or damaged manholes, cellar grates and other covers

example of a path/pavement next to a public road

Example of a path or pavement.

(opens in a new window) Report a problem with a path or pavement online

Problems with overgrown hedges and vegetation on a pavement or road

Use our online form to report problems with overgrown trees, hedges and other vegetation on:

  • paths or pavements (roadside pavements)
  • public roads

example of a public road with overgrown hedges, vegetation and trees

Example of overgrown vegetation on a public road.

(opens in a new window) Report a problem with overgrown vegetation online

Find out how to report other problems with roads and pavements, including potholes, road markings and obstructions on our
Report a problem with a road or pavement page.