Message from the Leader of the council, Councillor James Lewis

As a city, Leeds embodies the values of team work, drive, commitment and innovation to help support and encourage residents, communities and businesses to thrive and grow together.

Council tax financial information

That 'Team Leeds' ethos, of everyone pulling together to make the most of all resources with no-one left behind, continues to serve the city well and it will continue to underpin our approach as we face the next financial year which there's no denying is incredibly daunting.

You may be aware that in other parts of the country councils have effectively declared bankruptcy as the challenges they face are too great to be able to present a balanced budget, which is something councils legally have to do. The consequences of reaching that point are dire, and it is something we are determined to avoid happening in Leeds.

After being asked to deliver savings totalling more than £730million since 2010, we now need to save another £63.9million in the next year to balance our budget.

The impact of increased costs to provide services as well as rising demand, especially for vulnerable young people and adults, is that the council's budget is under huge pressure.

Council tax for the next year is being increased by 4.98 per cent, with 1.99 per cent of that to be dedicated to help with adult social care costs. We know this increase is going to be unpopular given the ongoing cost of living crisis and it is not something we want to do, but as with other decisions we are now being forced to make we have no realistic other option.

Council tax in Leeds is the second-lowest of the eight comparable cities in England, with the increase this year representing an increase of £81.91 per year for a Band D property - £1.58 per week.

The increasing importance of council tax to pay for services can be seen as it will account for 67 per cent of the council's annual budget in 2024/25 compared to 39.9 per cent in 2013, while the Revenue Support Grant from the government has dropped from contributing 35.6 per cent of the council's annual budget to just 5.7 per cent in the same period.

A big pressure on our council budget is the cost of looking after vulnerable children. Where we are unable to provide a foster home for a Leeds child through our own service, we must spend significantly more money to place them in care through a private agency. This may also mean the child moves out of the Leeds area. We desperately need more people to join our fantastic community of foster carers.
For more information visit the Foster4Leeds website.

Despite the financial challenge, the council remains committed to the Best City Ambition for Leeds to be a welcoming city with a strong economy offering opportunities for all, tackling poverty and inequality through the key pillars of health and wellbeing, inclusive growth and zero carbon.

Within the next 12 months, elections will take place for Leeds City Council and the Mayor of West Yorkshire on Thursday 2 May, with a general election also to be announced. Everyone who can is encouraged to vote to have your say, with the Voter ID scheme introduced last year continuing.
For more information visit elections.

The council is also seeking volunteers to give their views on a wide range of subjects by joining the Leeds Citizens Panel. If you are a Leeds resident and over 18
go to Leeds Citizens' panel to find out more.

I'd like to end on a note of thanks to everyone in the city for continuing to stick together, looking out for your neighbours and your community, which is greatly appreciated. The next 12 months in Leeds are certain to be difficult, but if we maintain that spirit of togetherness I am confident we can continue to rise to the challenge.

– Councillor James Lewis, Leader of Leeds City Council