West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner financial information

Council tax financial information

Council tax financial information

We can continue to deliver on our vision for a safer, fairer region

As Mayor of West Yorkshire, I oversee our Police budget, which includes setting part of your Council Tax.

Unfortunately, since 2010, the Government has reduced their funding, in real terms, for West Yorkshire Police. That has left us as one of a few forces nationally to face real term reductions greater than 10%.

However, I know just how much you value your police service and want to see it properly resourced. The positive response to my recent precept survey made this clear, but to maintain it, I’ve reluctantly had to increase the police section of your council tax by 5.5%.

For the majority of the region’s households, who are in Bands A to C, this will equate to between an extra 17p to 22p a week.

This crucial funding will be used to recruit more Police Community Support Officers (PSCOs) to keep West Yorkshire’s neighbourhoods safe as well asbringing in extra Initial Contact Officers, who answer 999 and 101 calls from the public.

Tracy BrabinMayor of West Yorkshire

For the majority of the region’s households, who are in Bands A to C, this will equate to between an extra 17p to 22p a week.

Where the money came from 2024/2025

Where the money came from
Item Percentage
Government grant 53.8%
Income 22.7%
Precept (Police council tax) 22.6%
Other 0.9%

What the money is spent on 2024/25

What the money is spent on
Item Percentage
Police officers 52.9%
Police Staff 22.8%
Running costs, such as premises and vehicles 18.9%
PCSOs 3.2%
Borrowing 2%
WYCA 0.3%

West Yorkshire continues to have the fourth lowest Precept in England and Wales.

Budget 2023/2024 2024/2025
Gross expenditure £649.040 million £754.940 million
Council tax requirement £159.533 million £170.542 million
Police precept for Council Tax summary
Council tax Band Current cost per year 2024/2025 cost Annual increase Per week increase
A £157.52 £166.19 £8.67 17p
B £183.78 £193.89 £10.11 19p
C £210.02 £221.58 £11.56 22p
D £236.28 £249.28 £13 25p
E £288.78 £304.67 £15.89 31p
F £341.29 £360.07 £18.78 36p
G £393.80 £415.47 £21.67 42p
H £472.56 £498.56 £36 50p

I’ve been working with the police, partners agencies and my Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Alison Lowe OBE over the last year to make our region a better place, this includes: