Conservation, protection and heritage

What to do if you are planning a development that may affect important sites for wildlife or protected species

Services List

Biodiversity and Planning

What you need to consider when planning a development that may affect important sites for wildlife or protected species.

Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are protected areas of special architectural or historic interest. They are designated by the council, and protect the character and appearance of a whole area, not just its buildings.

Contaminated land

When land is contaminated it might pose a risk to the environment or people.

High hedges - neighbour disputes

Advice on how to solve neighbour disputes about hedges, how to make a formal complaint and when you can trim neighbouring trees or hedges.

Listed buildings

A listed building is a building of special architectural or historic interest that has been identified and included on a government list of protected buildings.

Landscape planning and development

Guidance on landscape requirements of planning applications for proposed developments, including surveys and landscape and woodland management plans.