Listed buildings

A listed building is a building of special architectural or historic interest that has been identified and included on a government list of protected buildings.

The listing covers the whole building inside and out, and may include other buildings and structures within its curtilage, the ground or surrounding area.

Search for listed buildings

There are over 3,300 listed buildings in Leeds. These are identified on the National Heritage List for England which is administered by Historic England. 

Making changes to a listed building

Listed Building Consent is needed for demolitions and any other works (inside or out) which affect the character of a listed building. This includes extensions and alterations (including replacement windows).

Some changes will need both listed building consent and
planning permission.
for further advice.Contact us

Making changes to a listed building is a specialist task and getting the right advice is essential. See Historic England’s website for further information on
what you may need to consider when making changes to your property and finding professional help.

Apply for Listed Building Consent

Refer to the Listed Building Consent guidance notes when completing your application. We offer a
pre-application advice service if you need further guidance.


Making changes to a listed building without permission may be a criminal act and can lead to prosecution.

Report unauthorised work

If you are concerned that works are being carried out to a listed building without permission, please contact our Compliance and Specialists team who will investigate and take the necessary action. This may involve negotiation, serving enforcement notices, or starting prosecution proceedings.

(opens in a new window) Report unauthorised work online

Ask for a building to be listed

Historic England administer the National Heritage List -
find out how to nominate a building to be listed.

Contact us


0113 222 4409Weekdays from 10am to 2pm
