Apply to work on a protected tree

How to apply for permission to work on trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or trees in a Conservation Area.

Tree works and preservation

  1. Overview
  2. Apply for permission to work on a protected tree

2. Apply for permission to work on protected trees

You should seek
professional guidance before making an application. We are unable to visit your property to assess your tree before you apply.

We will send you a receipt when we receive your application, and will notify you when it has been accepted. 

Please be aware that your application will be available to the public for comment via
Public Access.


You can apply for permission to work on protected trees using the Planning Portal.

(opens in a new window) Apply for permission for tree works online

Application form

You can also apply by completing and returning the application form to us. Refer to the guidance note for help filling in the application.

Contact us



Planning ServicesMerrion House110 Merrion CentreLeeds LS2 8BB