Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan

Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum is undertaking a consultation on its pre-submission draft neighbourhood plan.

Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum is undertaking a consultation on its pre-submission draft neighbourhood plan.

The consultation runs from Monday 20 May to Friday 19 July 2024.

Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan

Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum has produced a draft Neighbourhood Plan which covers the Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Area. The draft plan includes a vision for Little Woodhouse along with a set of objectives, draft planning policies and community actions to achieve the vision. The plan covers a range of themes, including:

  • housing
  • heritage and character
  • green infrastructure
  • community and employment
  • movement
  • projects and delivery plan

Following this consultation, the plan will be amended and then considered by an independent examiner. 

If the examination is successful, local people will have the opportunity to vote at a local referendum and (subject to a ‘yes’ vote) the plan will form part of the development plan for Leeds, meaning the policies of the neighbourhood plan will be used by the council to help determine planning applications in the Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Area.


This consultation seeks your views on the content of the proposed Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan. You may also wish to comment on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report.

Availability of documents

How to comment

The forum welcomes your comments. Comments can be submitted by:

Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum will be holding a series of events to help with and promote the consultation across the local area.

Dates and times of these events will be displayed on their website and throughout the neighbourhood area.

The deadline for comments is 5pm on 19 July 2024 

Further information

If you queries about the Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan please contact the forum at