Supplementary Planning Documents and guidance

Supplementary Planning Guidance provides advice on policies in the Local Plan. We use Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) to help make decisions on planning applications.

Services List

Planning guidance

Supplementary Planning Guidance provides a more detailed explanation of how the Unitary Development Plan can be practically implemented when designing developments.

Local Development Orders

Local Development Orders (LDO) grant permission for a specified type of development, which means no planning application is needed. We have the right to apply conditions on the LDO to ensure that the development is acceptable in planning terms.

Neighbourhood and village design statements

Some areas have neighbourhood or design statements which you will need to take into account when submitting a planning application. This is a definitive list of all the Neighbourhood and village design statments. Any new local planning statements are created as part of the
Neighbourhood Planning process.

Houses in multiple occupation - article 4 direction

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) are needed to provide an affordable form of housing, particularly for young people, those on lower incomes and students. Sometimes areas have extreme concentrations of HMOs which can have a negative effect on communities. We have an
Article 4 Direction (PDF 583 KB) in place to prevent communities from becoming imbalanced.