Privacy and data

General privacy information and our responsibilities when using your personal data

Services List

Communicating with us

We will use the Internet to communicate with the public and promote public participation. Through our social media accounts and website, we will post photos, videos, and sound recordings of our work and events, which may sometimes include personal data.

Get a copy of your personal data

You can find out about your privacy rights, what data we hold about you and ask to be sent a copy. This is sometimes called a subject access request.

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) controls and regulates surveillance and other means of information gathering which public bodies employ in the discharge of their functions.

Equality monitoring privacy notice

The council has a ‘public sector equality duty’ to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations in the community. This includes monitoring and understanding the impact of the decisions we make on the services we provide and how these will impact on different people or groups because of a protected characteristic that they hold.