Personal licences

If you want to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol on licensed premises, or if you apply for a lot of temporary event notices you might want to apply for a personal licence.

A personal licence allows the holder to authorise the sale or supply of alcohol in all venues with a premises licence in England and Wales and this lasts indefinitely.

Licence holders can also request up to 50 temporary event notices in each calendar year,
subject to restrictions.

Designated premises supervisors

Each premises licence which includes the sale or supply of alcohol must nominate a designated premises supervisor (DPS). They must be a personal licence holder and act as a contact point for the police and other responsible authorities in case there are issues with the sale and supply of alcohol.

Only one supervisor is required and will normally be responsible for any premises on a day to day basis. You can have more than one personal licence holder per premises and this can be the same person as the premises supervisor.

Apply for a new licence

Anyone applying for a personal licence must have the right to work in the UK, hold a personal licence qualification and must notify us of any relevant or foreign convictions.

Personal licence qualification

Before applying for a new personal licence, you need a Home Secretary accredited licensing qualification. This ensures that licence holders are aware of licensing law and social responsibilities attached to the sale of alcohol.

The course normally lasts one day and costs around £150 to £200. There is an exam at the end of the course which lasts 40 minutes.

  1. Complete the personal licence form

    To apply,
    complete the personal licence form online.       

    You will need to include two passport sized photographs, proof of your right to work in the UK, a DBS basic disclosure and a personal licence qualification. It will cost £37 and you should
    .       send your application and supporting documents to us by post

    We will advise you when your licence has been granted. If you haven’t heard from us within 14 days you should
    to make sure we have received your application.       contact us


  2. Complete the disclosure of convictions and declaration form

    When applying for a personal licence you must
    complete the disclosure of criminal convictions and declaration form from GOV.UK external link.       

    If you are convicted of a relevant or foreign offence while applying for or holding a personal licence, you must notify us. Failure to do so is an offence.       

    If you have been convicted of a relevant offence, you have a responsibility to tell us so that we can endorse the paper part of your personal licence. Only the court has the ability to revoke your licence and so if they haven’t asked for your licence at the court hearing, you should
    as soon as possible.       contact us


  3. Complete a DBS Basic Disclosure form

    You need to
    complete a DBS Basic Disclosure form from GOV.UK external link.       

    We must receive this within one calendar month of receiving your application.       


  4. Send your completed forms

    If you are not applying online, you can send your completed forms, including any supporting documents, . to us by post


  5. Pay the fee

    A personal licence application costs £37.            

    If you are not applying online, .you can pay by credit or debit card over the phone

Changes to your licence

Change of name or address

If you need to change the name or address on your personal licence, you can
complete the online change of details form external link. If you change your name, you should include proof, such as a marriage certificate. 

The fee for this is £10.50.

Lost or stolen licences

If you have lost or had your personal licence stolen, please
to request a replacement. contact us

The fee for this is £10.50 but we cannot take payment until we have received your request in writing. If you email, please include your phone number so we can call you and take the payment securely.

If you no longer need your licence, you can surrender this by
.contacting us

Consumer Protection

Should you have cause for complaint in relation to a personal licence holder, we would always recommend that you write to the business they relate to first. If that does not work, contact us and providing it is a matter covered by the legislation, we can investigate the complaint for you.​

Privacy Notice

The Council and the West Yorkshire police are Joint Data Controllers of the information you provide. The Council and the West Yorkshire Police have a statutory duty to process and maintain licences and permissions and conduct enforcement activities in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 as part of a legal obligation to meet the statutory requirements for the licensing of the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment, and late night refreshment. 

We may share the following information with the third parties listed below: details of the licensed premises, licence status, the names, addresses and company numbers of persons and companies named on a licence. This may be shared with services in the Council, for example, City Development, Environmental Action Services and Community Safety. In addition we will share with external third party organisations including Government departments, Information Commissioners Office (for National Fraud Initiative), the Health and Safety Executive, West Yorkshire Joint Services, Businesses Against Crime in Leeds, Leeds BID and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to make further enquiries regarding your application under the Licensing Act 2003 or where required by law for the detection and prevention of crime. 

The personal information you provide as part of your application for a premises licence, club premises certificate or personal licence will be held for a period of 6 years following the termination of the licence/permit. The personal information held for Temporary Event Notices will be held for a period of 2 calendar years following the event. Details of all transactions are recorded permanently as an entry on the licensing register.

The Council’s corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your information rights is
available to read

Contact us


0113 378 5029



Entertainment Licensing
Civic Hall

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