Adopted Local Plan

The Adopted Local Plan forms part of the statutory development plan for the Leeds district. It sets out the council's vision and strategy for the area until 2033, and provides the basis for decisions on planning applications.

Services List

Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan

The Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVL AAP) provides the planning framework to guide the regeneration of an area of the Lower Aire Valley.

Core Strategy for Leeds

The Core Strategy is the main strategic document within the Local Plan for Leeds and sets out the strategic policy framework for the district to 2028 and a housing requirement to 2033.

Site Allocations Plan

The Site Allocations Plan (SAP) is a key document in the Local Plan for Leeds. The SAP identifies sites for housing, employment, retail and greenspace to ensure that enough land is available in appropriate locations to meet the growth targets set out in the Core Strategy.

Made neighbourhood plans

A neighbourhood plan is classed as made once it has been through the consultation process and been examined and approved at referendum.

Statement of Community Involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is the council’s statement on how the local community and others will be involved in the preparation of the Local Plan and the consideration of planning applications.

Plans Panel meetings

Find out about upcoming and previous Plans Panel meetings, how to request to speak at a meeting and what to expect if you attend.