Publication Draft consultation

Site Allocations Plan

Site Allocations Plan

3. Publication draft consultation

The Site Allocations Plan Publication Draft was subject to formal public consultation for eight weeks from 22 September until 16 November 2015. A series of drop in sessions were held during the consultation period.

Comments were sought on the soundness of the plan. Tests of Soundness as set out in National Planning Policy Framework ask the following:

  1. Have the plans been positively prepared? Does the plan seek to meet the local needs set out in the adopted Core Strategy for housing, employment, retail and green space?
  2. Are the plans justified? Are the allocations, designations and policies the most appropriate compared with the alternatives?
  3. Will the plans be effective? Is there information on how the plan will be delivered? Does the plan set out how and when sites will come forward?
  4. Is the plan consistent with national policy? The plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework

The proposed sites can be viewed on the interactive map:

(opens in a new window) View an interactive map of sites

Development Plan Panel reports

As a result of consultation feedback, a series of reports were produced by the Development Plan Panel: