Leeds City Town and Local Centre Study

The Leeds City Centre, Town and Local Centre Study provides a basis to develop appropriate planning policy approaches for town centre uses within the Leeds Local Plan.

The study has been prepared for the council by Colliers International, and:

  • considers existing town centres within the Leeds district
  • carries out “healthchecks” on existing centres looking at the amount of floorspace within centres and how they are performing on issues such as vacancies, rent levels and car parking
  • assesses both the amount and quality of retail floorspace needed up until 2016 and forward to 2026, taking into account population growth
  • considers how centres may be improved or expanded
  • suggests locations for new local centres

The following documents are available from the
related document section below:

  • Leeds City Centre, Town and Local Centres Study Report July 2011
  • Appendices 4, 5, and 7. There are no appendices 1-3 and 6 (as they do not exist)

Further information

For more details, please email us at ldf@leeds.gov.uk.

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