Evidence and monitoring

Reports and studies that inform the development of the Local Plan.

Services List

Leeds Brownfield Land Register

The Brownfield Land Register is a map of sites in Leeds with planning permission in principle to allow developers to build new homes.

Economic land availability

We monitor the availability of land, starts and completions for all economic development uses (non-residential uses) and updates this information at the end of each quarter as part of the ELA.

Leeds Employment Land Review

The Employment Land Review study reviews demand for and supply of employment land and premises across Leeds. It provides the justification for the amount of land proposed for employment use in the Leeds Local Plan.

Housing Land Monitors

Housing Land Monitors are documents which set out information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds.

Leeds City Town and Local Centre Study

The Leeds City Centre, Town and Local Centre Study provides a basis to develop appropriate planning policy approaches for town centre uses within the Leeds Local Plan.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) examines how sources of flooding may impact on development in Leeds, and makes recommendations for appropriate land use and flood mitigation strategies.

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a technical study which sets out whether there is a deliverable supply of land for five years’ worth of housing. This is known as the five year housing land supply.

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

The 2017 Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) provides evidence to help us determine how many new dwellings are required in Leeds from 2017 to 2033.

Planning policy

We are responsible for producing a
Local Plan which guides future growth in Leeds. This helps us decide where and when development takes place.