Strategic Housing Market Assessment

The 2017 Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) provides evidence to help us determine how many new dwellings are required in Leeds from 2017 to 2033.

The 2017 draft SHMA was needed to support preparation of the Core Strategy Selective Review. It advises on the amount of affordable housing needed in Leeds and the different types and sizes of dwellings needed, including for particular groups of the population, for example elderly people.

The document was prepared by specialist consultancy Arc4. Its preparation relied upon evidence from a household survey which took place during May 2017, in which surveys were mailed out to 28,000 households. A response rate of almost 15% was achieved.

Further background material on demographic and economic trends is provided by Edge Analytics.

A further supporting report provides specific advice on the Private Rented Sector.

The Draft SHMA  is still awaiting finalisation of area summaries. These will provide an overview of housing trends, statistics and needs for each of the 11 Housing Market Characteristic Areas in Leeds.

Background information

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