Leeds Employment Land Review

The Employment Land Review study reviews demand for and supply of employment land and premises across Leeds. It provides the justification for the amount of land proposed for employment use in the Leeds Local Plan.

The 2006 review

The 2006 review was commissioned by Leeds City Council and prepared by ARUP consultancy. It assessed the likely demand for office, industrial and warehousing space in Leeds and compared this with potential supply, taking account issues of quality, location and choice.

The 2010 update

The 2010 document is a partial review of the 2006 study reflecting changed circumstances, in particular changes to national planning policy, the economic downturn and revisions to economic and employment growth forecasts.

The 2017 update

The 2017 review focussed on the supply of office and general employment sites. Assessing all sites in Leeds’ portfolio of employment land in line with National Planning Practice Guidance, it scores the development potential of each against suitability, availability and achievability. It supports the submission of the
Site Allocations Plan. It does not examine demand for employment land.

The study forms part of the evidence base for the Leeds Local Plan and will be used as the basis for allocating land for employment development in Leeds.